FAQs about Messengers in Denim, Part 3

Here is the third a final group of FAQs  about Messengers.
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What have critics said about Messengers in Denim? I have been amazed by the reviews and endorsements. Let me quote just one: Of the many talents that Dr. Donahue displays in writing this most engaging and useful book, the two most important are story-telling and listening. He tells entertaining tales that highlight the wisdom that can come from the mouths of teens. He manages to do so in a way that also includes a wide range of references to medical studies and both classical and popular sources, as well as references to his own experiences and insights gained through his years of practicing pediatrics. It is a book about sound medical advice — but even more so, in the biggest of pictures, it’s about how to live a healthy life. The good doctor proves time and again that the deepest wisdom and the most practical common sense often go hand-in-hand. Dennis M. Doyle, Ph.D. Professor of Religious Studies, University of Dayton.

To read more endorsement and reviews go to the publisher’s web site: http://www.mapletreepublishing.com/Products/9781600651069.
My site: https://parentingwithdrpar.com/. Or Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/.

Has Messengers in Denim received any awards? The nation’s governors’ spouse’s, Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free Foundation, has selected it for their book club as the first read in their Leadership Reads Initiative. Read about this initiative at: http://www.alcoholfreechildren.org/

Where can I find this book? Messengers in Denim is available from the publisher, Amazon, my web site, (use the links above), and can be ordered from any book store. Some stores that I know carry it on their shelves are: St. Mary’s Book Store and Landmark Books in Nashville, Tennessee; Patricia Jane and Company, Hendersonville, Tennessee; Books and Company in Dayton, Ohio; Fireside Books in West Bend, Wisconsin; Swen and Oles Books in New Ulm, Minnesota. I am sure there are many others. It will make a great Holiday present for families you love, and a gift every new parent will appreciate.