Overprotective Parents or Wise Parents?

I thought I would take a break from the FAQs and tell a little story and see what your reaction will be.

Some time ago, Mary and I attended a sporting event; during the half-time I bumped into an acquaintance of mine who told me about his granddaughter. Like all of us granddads he was very proud of her but, he was concerned that this kindergartner was going on a field-trip to a town about 20 miles away. He said her mother was also very concerned because she never let the little girl go anywhere without her mommy going too. And, it seems Mom was unable to go this time. And, she had never been on a school bus before. What should he do?

I told him he should tell her to have fun and not to worry. Schools have been taking kids on field-trips for decades and she would be OK. “You know,” he said. “There is a lot of violence on the news about that town.” I agreed with him, but even thought I was not familiar with the venue they would be seeing, I assured him it was time Grandbaby got away; that it was time to let her start building her confidence and start seeing the world. He reluctantly agreed and we went on our separate ways to enjoy the second half.

(You know my thoughts about school buses. Buses have been shown, time and again, to be much safer than cars. If you have not read the school bus post go to Wednesday, August 17, 2011.)

On our way home Mary told me she had talked to this man’s wife and she was concerned about their granddaughter going on a field trip with the school. “What did you tell her?” I asked, I have always had a lot of confidence in Mary’s advice. She then told me what she had said. It was almost an exact copy of my advice.

My questions for the family might have been something like: Do you think she will pickup your apprehension? Will that apprehension prevent her from enjoying the day? Will she be reluctant to try new things as an older child or an adult? Will she become a shy, fearful kid? Will fear rule her life? Of course neither I nor her family know the answer to these questions. But I have a hunch she will be like her mother and grandparents and fear the world. Kids become us, you know. I guess I have said that before.

Am I wrong? Let me know your thoughts.

There is still time to join our virtual world book tour. Scroll down to my post for Friday, September 30, and follow the directions. We still do not have any one in Hawaii. If any of you have friends there, I would appreciate your sending that post on to them. It won’t cost you or them anything, and no one will have your or their e-mail address or other access. Thanks!