Top Ten “Commandments” For Proactive Parents

Today’s blog is taken from the February, 2013, YOUTH THINK Newsletter. 

It’s never to early to start helping your children prepare to make smart decisions about alcohol and other drug use. Adopt these “commandments” early and they will build a strong foundation for those important teen years. Help your children by committing to do the following to help your kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free.

I will…
1. Have dinner together as a family at least four times a weekand make family dinners a “technology free zone”.
2. Spend quality time with each of my children.
3. Hold a family game night once a week.
4. Set clear boundaries for my children’s behavior. Calmly, firmly and consistently enforce those boundaries.
5. Monitor my home medicine cabinet and take inventory of all prescription and over-the-counter medications.
6. Host alcohol and drug free parties, as well as personally contact parents of other party givers to ensure that parents will be there to supervise and there will be no alcohol or other drugs.
7. Get to know my children’s friends’ parents and work together to set common rules for all our children.
8. Be more active in my child’s school.
9. Set rules for and monitor my child’s internet, cell phone, video game and television use.
10. Communicate with my kids regularly, not just when there is a crisis about the dangers of drug use and clearly express my disapproval!

The only thing I would add, is: Be the person you want your child to become!

I am sure those of you who have read ,Messengers in Denim, will be familiar with these “Commandments.”

If you find these commandments helpful share them with your e-friends. You can find Youth Think at: youththink.