Prayer Request

Last week I asked for readers to respond with stories of their own peer-pressure experiences. Either they all agreed with my post that peer-pressure is just an excuse for doing what you want to even though you know you shouldn’t, or they all disagreed and were too polite to argue with me. Now I know none of my sisters, unless things have changed much since I left home, are in that category, but what about everybody else? One other possibility, alas, maybe nobody read the post!!!
On another front, I just wanted to mention my cousin’s son, Clay. He is the young man, just 17, who injured his spinal cord in a snowmobile accident. He was discharged form the hospital last week and has gone back to school in his wheel chair. He and his family are unusually strong and faith filled. They have been an inspiration to me and all their friends and family members.
I ask you please, to say a prayer for him and his family. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Teach you kids how to pray; best way to teach them is to show them and pray with them.
God bless you all.