Pleasure without Responsibility

One of the great pleasures in my life (and I have had more than my share) is seeing teens change into adults. What a beautiful and heart filling process.
I loved being a dad more than I have enjoyed being a grand dad, but now I can stand back and enjoy the process from a distance. With 14 grand kids between the ages of 8 and 19, and 10 of them within 15 minutes of our dinner table I am blessed to see many of them morph into adults.
I get to see some on a weekly basis. I enjoy sitting in front of them in church and hearing them sing and pray. I can overlook their whispering, their poking, and their sometimes not so quiet inattention because they are not my responsibility. Attending their band concerts, school plays, and sporting events are fun and make me proud, but having breakfast or dinner with them is the best. They have a different view of the world than us old guys, and I appreciate it. Some of them are old enough that we know they are the kind of people who will make a difference in this world, and they are what they are with no effort on my part! This is pleasure without responsibility, and I enjoy it.
Cherish every moment with your kids, because too soon they will bring you grand children whom you can enjoy knowing your nurturing of their parents has paid off. Stand back and enjoy the pleasure without the responsibility: it doesn’t get any better than that!