Life changer

14817775654_29886bfc74_zYesterday I met an old friend for lunch. During the conversation he commented that a friend of his once said “Life is too short to dance with ugly women!.
I know that sounds sexist, actually it is sexist. But he continued, “I’ve been thinking about that ever since. I think it means that if you’re job is ugly, or some other thing in you life is ugly, you shouldn’t continue with it. You should just do whatever you can to change things.
I couldn’t agree more! So many of my friends are now retired and some of them say they would have done things differently if they had had a chance. But, the fact of the matter is: we do have a chance and we can change things if we try! Unfortunately, it seems like the only thing many are willing to change is their spouse.
Sure, change can be difficult, but how difficult is it to go to an “ugly” job day after day? Or live in a city you don’t like? Or next to a neighbor you don’t get along with? Change doesn’t always mean moving; often time the only thing we need to change is our attitude. I overheard a man at a party say he had never had a neighbor he liked. With that his conversation partner responded that he had never had a neighbor he didn’t like. I know both men and suspect the difference was in their attitudes.
Why go through life with an ugly attitude? Or to paraphrase my friend’s friend: Life is too short to live with an ugly attitude.