Endorsement From West Virginia Doctor

Today I would like to share an endorsement of “Messengers in Denim” from a pediatrician practicing in Lewisburg, West Virginia.

Sometime after the magic of a baby’s birth has faded and the fatigue of 24/7 infant care has firmly taken hold of their lives and around the time the temperament of a two year old evolves, parents confront a startling thought — “We are going to spend years raising this child and if these toddler times are challenging us, what will the teen years bring!! How are we going to handle all of this?”

Welcome Dr. Donahue and thank you for “Messengers in Denim — The Amazing Things Parents Can Learn From Teens”, in which he elucidates why some children become competent and empathetic teenagers and others do not. From the crucible of his experience exemplified in insightful vignettes and enhanced by summations of medical studies and surveys, Dr. Donahue deduces into “parenting tips” the key components of how to be a parent. Implement these and how to parent will follow.

To the parents of toddlers confronting the startling question above, I recommend they not be dissuaded by the word “teen” in the title, but read “Messengers in Denim — The Amazing Things Parents Can Learn From Teens” now and refer to it as needed during the next 10–15 years. By so doing you will provide your child the roots they need to take their wings in due time.

Bill Dukart, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Lewisburg, West Virginia

Thank you, Dr. Dukart