Cost reward ratio for having kids

Maybe I don’t have the verbiage right above, but what the heck, I want to say a few words about why having kids is worth it.

Several months ago I read a survey that said more than half of parents of teens said if they had to do it over again, they would have no kids! I can’t imagine that, perhaps it has something to do with how they have been parenting or perhaps mal-parenting the past 12-18 years! Or, I like to think, they were just  overwhelmed and exhausted from the work it takes to be a parent.

I know many of you are thinking that parenting is more difficult when the kids are little, and I would agree with you, but it is definitely more fun when they are in high school! College is even better, and when they get to be young adults and older, it’s even better. Sure it’s different, but there are so many advantages to having older kids.

Think about it this way. You spend 18, 20, 25,or even 30 years with them “on your payroll”, but then they help you for the next 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years. That’s a pretty good payback!

We  have 4 kids, and it seems like one or more are always doing something for us. Either helping build a wall, decorate the tree, plant some trees, advising on investments, or medical care, picking up something at the store, having us for dinner, or perhaps just giving us a call to see how we’re doing. Some times they invite us to a game, a concert, or lecture which they know would interest us.

Don’t get me wrong, they leave us alone enough so we can enjoy our lives with each other and are own friends, but we appreciate them looking after us in one way or another. And we are not “old” or “sick” people who need help, we just like to be with them and I think the feeling is mutual. Of course they ask us to pick up their kids now and then, or drive someone to the airport but, just as often they drive us to catch a flight.

So, if you are up to your chin trying to parent your teens or your kids of any age, relax. It will soon be their turn to help you. Look forward to it and pray that you won’t be a burden to them in your old age. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves, your kids, and when or if you have grand kids, enjoy them too. Life is too short to worry about what you might have done differently, just do what will make the most people happy as long as (like I used to tell my kids) it is legal, moral, ethical, and your mom won’t care!

Or, remember to look after your folks no matter how old, young, or capable they are. They will appreciate it as long as you don’t make them feel “parented.”


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