Benefits of Athletics

After Sunday’s football banquet I thought it might be a good idea to look at some of the advantages of having a  kid play sports in school. Here’s some of what a good athletic program teaches:
*The benefits of being in shape and knowing that they feel better on days they exercise. Daily exercise adds years to your life and life to your years!
* Good, lifetime eating habits.
* To avoid tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Players learn that the real “highs” in life come from putting forth maximum effort, and that there is no “high” like winning!
* The value of team effort.
* To set goals and pursue them, one step at a time.
* No one is perfect; there is always room for improvement.
* Winning is a reward for a job well done.
* How to deal with injury, disappointment, and adversity.

These and other lessons learned in good athletic programs provide a basis for real life. In life, work, and in play everyone needs to work hard together, set goals, and face disappointment as well as success.

Thanks, all you great coaches for a job well done!