A Visit to the Doctor!

Now I think I know how you feel! All my adult life I have gone to doctors I know personally. I picked them because of how they practiced and what I thought they knew about medicine. Now that I have retired and moved to a community where I did not know any doctors, except my sons and my daughter-in-law, I have been struggling to find a doctor I like.

I had a little, not so serious, problem last month and had to see a doctor. The first one, who was filling in for my newly acquired personal care doctor, had no bedside manner, and if he knew anything about medicine he was able to hide that fact from me. He came into the room carrying his lap-top and spent the whole time either typing or playing a video game, I don’t know which. I don’t remember him asking any questions of me. But, after I told him my dad had had a similar problem at my age and asked could I have “such and such.” He responded, no, you need to have a family history of that. When I did not improve I called my reg doctor who sent me to a specialist who was great! He entered the room carrying a clip board, not a computer, shook my hand, looked me in the eye and actually took a history! Wow, I was impressed. He ordered some test, make a diagnosis, prescribed some medicine, and I am happy to say I am now on my way to recovery!!

I could blame the electronic record for part of the first doctor’s problem. Electronic records do have some advantage and they are here to stay so I will accept them, but I don’t have to like them.

The point of this post is to find out if any of you have had similar problems, and if so, how did you handle them? Also, I would like to hear your thoughts about today’s doctors and medical care. I have been on the “other side” for so long I don’t know how patients really feel, and now that I am experiencing what you have been going through for years I would like your help.

How do (did) your go about finding a doctor you like?  Have you had problems communicating with them, and have you been able to work through that barrier and actually talk with them?

Now, I don’t want just a gripe session, although that will be helpful; let me know too, what good things you have experienced. Ask your friends about their experiences, have them send their thoughts too. I’ll put everything together without mentioning your names and see what advice we can put together to help each other.

Stay well!