The Perfect Gift

Last summer Mary and I celebrated our 59th wedding anniversary. Big six-oh coming up next year!

What can I get for someone who has put up with me for so many years? That question has been on my mind for at least 58 years.

Nothing with an electric cord; nothing that she has to take back if she doesn’t like it – that rules out clothing and jewelry: she doesn’t like cut flowers, “they die in a week”; General Covid won’t allow us to go out to a fancy restaurant. What’s left?

As the day grew closer, I found myself in my favorite chair on the shady patio. In no time at all the birthday birdy whispered in my ear!

“Huzzah!” I shouted, scaring the bird who flew away and left a white mess for me to clean.

Filled with excitement I drove to one of my favorite stores and picked up a large bottle of Beef Eaters Gin.

“What are you doing?” I heard you say. She likes gin, especially Beef Eaters. And we both enjoy sharing a drink during our private cocktail hour before dinner. What could go wrong?

Well, don’t sweat it, she liked it! But, I‘m getting ahead of myself, there’s more to the story.

On the way to the check-out counter I had to walk past a shelf of Irish Whisky. I like the smooth easy taste and the refreshing feeling it leaves on my tongue. I hadn’t tasted it for some time and thought maybe Mary would like to share a bit of Old Ireland with me some evening.

I reached for a bottle of Jamison and my eye glued itself to the bottle next to it! “Writer’s Tears” called out to me. Wow, how many people do I know who would like this regardless of how it tastes. I couldn’t resist taking a bottle with me.

I hurried home to have Mary thank me for the Beef Eaters, the she asked what in the world is “Writer’s Tears”?

I showed her the bottle and gave her a sip; she didn’t like it, but I did!

Now, this is not advice about giving gifts to wives; every man’s wife is different. Know what she likes and get it for her. End of that story.

Here is advice is for everyone: Keep your eyes open, and you’ll find many things in this world to like.

My special advice to all you writers: Keep a bottle of “Writer’s Tears” on your shelf. If you’re like most of us, you’ll find it handy when you receive you next rejection, or come home following a “book signing” where no one showed up. Or it might even help clear a wicked writer’s block. Just be sure you don’t overdo it.

Stay healthy, stay safe, and enjoy life.