Who are the evil people?

I have finally found the courage to attempt to write something following the Massacre in Sandy Hook School. I am so saddened by the direction our country is going and taking our children with it!

This tragedy was caused by evil! Yes, evil as in the devil evil! And yes there are evil people in the world who are so overcome by Satan they don’t know they are promoting evil.

Yes,there are evil people and perhaps the most evil are those who do not teach their kids right from wrong. Who think it’s ok to let their kids sit in a dark basement and play violent video games all day and night. Who produce the violent games, movies and books. Those who buy their kids everything the want, those who want to be friends with their kids, those who set no limits and fail to guide their kids behavior, these parents do not help their kids develop a moral compass, those who want to take God out of the classroom and wonder why the devil takes his place,

The future of our country lies not with our children, but with their parents who must choose to raise them as people of character.

Parent-up,everybody, Parent-up! 

In my opinion it was a man possessed by Satan who killed those kids. No human being could have done such a disastrous deed.

Now the question is “How do we prevent these thing from happening?”

It won’t be with gun laws, police, guards, or metal detectors. It will be by helping our kids develop a moral compass to keep on the right path and not letting Satan get a hold on them!

I will have more to say later as I take in the reality of this overwhelming tragedy. Please pray for the families of these sweet, innocent victims of evil!