Teach Kids to Love Not to Hate

An article in this morning’s paper told of an out of state couple who tried to register their kids in one of our local, public high schools. The mother described herself, according to the article, as a “traveling fire-and-brimstone preacher.” That appears well and good, but her three kids, ages 13, 15, and 16 were wearing T-shirts with “Hate” messages. One read, “GOD HATES WHORES”; another declared, GOD HATES GAYS”; and a third told us, “GOD HATES YOU SINNERS”. While the parents were attempting to register their kids the teens were passing out “religious” hate literature to students.

Now I am not a theologian, but it has always been my contention that GOD IS LOVE;  GOD LOVES ALL OF US, SINNERS, SAINTS, AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN. GOD DOES NOT HATE!

I also think that no child is born “hating”; babies are born bearing messenges from God and in that sense they are angels who love. They must be taught to hate; but why do we teach them to hate? Haven’t we seen enough hate in this world? Nazis hated the Jews – look where that took us! KKK members hated Negros – how did that work out? Now Islamic extremists are hating Jews and Christians, that doesn’t seem to be working either. How is straights hating gays going? I say enough hate!

Parents are the primary teachers of their kids and, for better or worse, children become their parents! Is it easier to teach hate than love? I don’t think so. If parents would teach their kids to love their neighbors and to love their enemies what a great place this world would be. Now, I don’t want you all to gather around and sing “Kum ba yah”, but it would be nice to at least put some civility into the lives of our kids.

Talk nicely about others; be forgiving of others – including your kids, their friends, and their teachers;. compliment them instead of finding fault and criticizing. Take time to get to know your neighbors and help them whenever possible even if they don’t ask for help. It is OK for friends to disagree, but not to show anger when they do. Pray with your family for those who love you, and for those who do not. Go out of your way to show love!

The answer to today’s Clay Pollan’s “Scram-lets Word Game” was, “The more you judge, the less you love.” Try not to judge and condemn!

Try love, you’ll love it! Guaranteed!