Super Bowl Ads

Just a short take on the Super Bowl ads. My favorite was the Bridgestone ad showing a driver braking to avoid hitting a beaver. Next scene the beaver drops a tree in front of the car causing the driver to stop. Fortunately he did, because the bridge in front of him was out. I liked the “one good deed deserves another” or perhaps “do unto others” theme.
I also liked the Bud light ad (even though I never drink Bud light) in which a friend dog sits the others pack of dogs. Next scene the sitter is having a big party and the dogs are serving Bud light on trays. “Reward for doing a favor” theme.
However, I did not like any of the Pepsi Max ads! They were all too vulgar (at best) to repeat here, but suffice it to know that I will never buy another Pepsi of any kind. And I hope you will avoid them too. It’s time we move beyond vulgar, sophomoric, sex ads to sell products.