Snow Days

Today is another of those cold and cloudy, dreary days. It’s the kind of day that makes me wish I still had some kids snowed out of school so we could go sledding, ice skating,  play some “in-house” games, or have some kind of fun together. We were great at having fun together!

Years ago when our kids were still home, I loved snow days. Snow days were like someone opened the calendar and slipped in an extra day; one made “just for fun”! Coming back to reality, I know that this old guy couldn’t take the fourth day in a row (six counting Saturday and Sunday) with the kids home from school. God knew what he was doing when he made parenting primarily for young adults.

So today, my wish for those of you who are “burdened” with snow days is that you will be able to take the day off too, and spend some great time with your kids. They will be gone too soon and then you will be like me, old and trying to think of a way to get out of doing what you know you should but really don’t want to do. 
Enjoy, your messengers, whatever their age!