
As I have said before, I don’t watch many movies. But I saw one of the soon to be “all time greats” last week! Secretariat!! If you have not seen it, grab your kids, regardless of their age, and get out there. You won’t find a better movie.

Everyone knows the story of Secretariat, but not everybody knows that he was what he was because of love from the woman who owned him, love from his trainer, and love from his jockey. Love can move mountains.

It also was obvious that Secretariat had ADHD just like so many of our kids. He walked early; so do they. He loved to run; so do they. And he responded to love and training; so do they. We used to call ADHD just ADD which I felt was Attention Direction Difference. Some say it is Acute Discipline Deficit, that may be true some of the time, but these kids really are different. If their attention can be directed in a positive direction they, like Secretariat, can reach some unbelievable goals without medication.

Another of the many things I liked about this movie is how nicely everyone spoke; people talked like they would if they truly loved each other. And there wasn’t a swear word or any sex in it! You can take any aged kid or your best friend without having to be embarrassed by the language or soft porn so prevalent in today’s media. You won’t need to put your hands over their ears or eyes or cover your own.

This is a wonderful movie. Everyone should see it because it gives all of us the feeling that people really are OK, or perhaps even great. Your support just might get Hollywood to make more decent, in every sense of the word, movies.