Marching Band

Had a really fun dinner with most of the family (19) Sunday night. I am ever thankful for such great kids and super grand kids. But it was brought to my attention that there are other things in high school that are good for kids besides football! Five of my grand kids have been in marching band in high school and they are quick to point out that marching band is as worth while as any athletic endeavor; and they are right!

Like sports, marching band is a vigorous workout and has much to teach. Just like sports marching band teaches:

*The benefits of being in shape and knowing that people feel better on days they exercise. Daily exercise adds years to your life and life to your years!

* Good, lifetime eating habits.

* To avoid tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Players learn that the real “highs” in life come from putting forth maximum effort, and that there is no “high” like winning!

* The value of team effort.

* To set goals and pursue them, one step at a time.

* No one is perfect; there is always room for improvement.

* Winning is a reward for a job well done. (Marching bands have contests too.)

* How to deal with injury, disappointment, and adversity

* And, bands teach music! Music is a lift time of pleasure and musicians do better in mathematical sciences.

So I ask all of you “Bandies” out there to forgive me for overlooking the importance of your activity. I applaud you for your effort and your ability to entertain us on the field and in the concert hall! Thanks for all you do, and thanks Grandkids for reminding me.