Light a candle for me

Light a candle for me

I started tSee the source imageo think about one of my sisters this morning, that’s easy to do, as I have seven of them.  This morning’s thoughts went back to the time one of them told me about a worry she was having.  “When I get worried about something I have no control over,” she said. “I light a Holy Candle and prayMy kids think I as foolish for doing that, but I don’t care. That’s what I do!”

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” I replied.

“Do you think I’m crazy for doing it?” she asked, questioning herself and me.

“Well, what does the candle represent to you?”

She said it was her continued prayer for as long as it burned.

“Are you saying you have turned your problem over to God, and the candle is to remind both you and Him that He is in charge and should take care of the problem? I asked.

“Exactly! I know I can’t do anything about it, and He can!  Aren’t we supposed to turn our problems over to God and get on with our life?”

“That’s how I see it, too.” I told her. “More of us should use this tool to help us pray. Thanks for being so wise!”

Our priest said the same thing in a recent sermon! We should let go of our worries and concentrate on making sure our relationship with God, our families, and our neighbors is where it should be.

My new month’s resolution then, is to listen more to my sisters and others who have been appointed to lead us closer to God.

Thanks Sis, for our recent conversation.  Continue to light those candles whenever you need one. And light one for me some time. I will appreciate it!

P.S. This is not a picture of my sister, but she’s pretty enough to be!Image result for Single Lit Church Candles