I Need Your help!

Last week I heard Mike Huckabee say that parenting was the hardest thing he had ever done! It got me wondering what made it so hard?

So today I have no message for you, just  two requests:

1) Tell me what makes parenting hard! A word or two may well be sufficient. Send your answers as comments below or e-mail them to me at par.donahue@comcast.net.

2) Send this request to all your friends who have, or have had, kids, or who work with kids. Ask them to respond to me either as comments below or e-mail them to me at par.donahue@comcast.net

Be sure to to know that I will not quote you or them, or in any way share their names or e-addresses, without written permission. However, any responses sent to comments below will appear on this blog unless you tell me not to share them, then they will remain confidential.

I’ll figure out what to do with them when they come in. Perhaps you will be the inspiration for another book! Or, I might take a flight to Mars.

Thanks, and may God continue to bless you!