I love 5 star reviews!!

Just received this review of Messengers in Denim, on Amazon, from James G. Wyshak “Rockinjay” Boulder,CO. (Sounds like the kind of guy I’d like to know!)

Hard to shut off the Kindle when you begin reading this book.

This book is quite an eyeopener.

All the adults reading it can relate to it for 2 reasons, we were adolescents once, and we are probably parents now, maybe even grandparents. The stories found in the book make you feel, not only closer to the author, but bring you to a perspective which should be not only obvious, but socially correct.

The theme of the book is in the conversations with the young people. The kids will either make you laugh out loud, ponder a little deeper, or bring tears to your eyes, they’re very intense.

Be prepared, if you’re a parent purchasing this book, you may have to adjust your behavior to put your family back in good standing. But know that Dr. Parnell’s prescriptions for what is ailing your relationship with your kids is very often theĀ best advice a Father could ever receive.

This comes from the heart of someone who is a grand dad now and wishes he could’ve been more.

This is the last of 16 5-Star reviews! You can read all of them at: http://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Denim-Amazing-Things-Parents/dp/1600651062/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1346362075&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=Messengers+in+Deinm