Dogs’ Love is Not “Puppy Love”

Last week Mary found a hard lump just under the skin on Belle’s tummy. Belle is our sweet little doggy! You have seen her in my arms on my Face Book picture. We took her to our vet, Dr. Bowling, who did a needle biopsy and found malignant cells. She was due for a teeth cleaning so Wednesday Belle had her teeth cleaned, two decayed teeth removed, and the tumor excised from her tummy. Doctor said she was able to excise the marble-sized lump completely and saw no evidence of spread. Now, we are are waiting for the path report with our fingers crossed. (I hope it’s OK to pray for a dog, because we are!)

Belle came through the ordeal great! She has to have soft food until her jaw is healed, but she doesn’t mind that. We had a good walk in the cold, ice, and snow this morning. Both of us enjoyed it.
Belle is an eleven year old Coton de Tulear, and the dearest dog ever. Coton’s come from Tulear via France (she was born in Sheybogan Falls Wisconsin), and have the personality of Golden’s. Because she does not shed she is hypoallergenic; Cotons don’t have any doggy smell either. For a small house pet, they are ideal.

Belle is trained as a therapy dog, but hasn’t worked since we left Atlanta 7 years ago. She and Mary visited Children’s hospital in Atlanta as well as some of the nursing homes. Mary has some great stories to tell about their visits. She brought a smile to every face that has seen her. She, like most dogs, shows us how to love unconditionally, have fun, and not to worry! If we all learned to “wag more, and bark less”, what a great world it would be!

I am confident that this tumor will not change her any, and that she will make a full recovery. I’ll let you know how she does.