I am writing an article for “Regina Magazine”, and need some information about high school in Ireland. In particular I am interested in social activities of high school kids. If you know some one in Ireland who has or recently had kids of high school age please ask them to e-mail me at par.donahue@comcast.net.
I will conduct a short e-mail interview with them. I will not share their address with anyone. Feel free to ask them to check out my posts so they know what kind of things I write about at
I do however have a short word for the day. I spoke recently with an 18 Y/O who had had a terrible life. He was joining the US Army so he could get his life “on the right track.” Before he left I asked him how he managed to get through the things that happened to him and survive with a great attitude. He said: “I am a committed Christian! Jesus taught me to forgive. Forgiveness is the foundation of humanity!” I wrote more about him in my January 23 post, but I thought his words merited repeating.
I look forward to hearing from some parents of teenagers in Ireland.