Sean, Janet, Grandma Joanne, and Patrick.
I just have to brag about two of my grandsons, it’s ok, as I had nothing to do with their successes. I’ll try not to make this sound like one of those Christmas letters we all get about how great every one’s kids are doing. And remember these are not my kids!
Patrick graduated from Vanderbilt with “Highest Honors in Chemistry”, received the Robert V. Dilt’s Award for outstanding student in analytic chemistry, and was a member of the Tau Beta Honor Society. He will be attending Northwestern University in Chicago College of Medicine in the MD/PhD program. Unfortunately we were not able to attend his graduation, as we were in Niagara New York at his cousin’s graduation.
Patrick with some of his research results. Look closely, you can understand everything!
Marc and his mom, Maura
Marc graduated Summa cum Lade in Hospitality from the Niagara University. He was president of the senior class and led the graduates into and out of the auditorium. The night before graduation he and 26 of his ROTC classmates were commissioned into the US Army. Grandma Skill and I were honored to pin on his Bars! In Marc’s president’s address he reminded his fellow graduates, and all of us, that we were created to be lights to the world. And instead of hiding under a bushel, we should stand tall in our beliefs, values, passions and accomplishments so we can lift up those around us. By so doing, he said, we can light up the world! I was so impressed that tears ran down my cheeks. Marc will be stationed in Bamburg, Germany.
No, that’s not President Bill Clinton, just me, Lieutenant Marc Skill and Grandma Skill, We’re so proud.
Following the graduation our daughter Maura (Marc’s Mother), her husband David, Mary, and I toured Niagara Falls. What a wonderful way to celebrate these two graduating young men. We are so proud of them, and know they will make our world a better place.
My wish for all of you is that you will have, or have had, moments of pride like we shared that day.