There was a Op. Ed. piece in the paper yesterday which touched my heart. “Losing a pet like losing a familly member.” As many of you know Mary and I have a dog, Belle. She’s been with us for 12 years and has become a “member in high standing” of our family. Everyone who knows Belle, loves her; but not as much as Mary and I do. A few weeks ago she was sick and didn’t want to eat or drink. I felt just like I did many years ago if one of our kids were sick. Fortunatelly, she made a rapid recover and continues to be the great dog she has always been.
Pets, dogs especially, offer us unconditional love like we find no where else. Dogs love us no matter how we treat them. But their love is infinite if we take good care of them and shower them with love.
Little kids are like that. We all have read about, or worse seen, kids abused by their parents who still love and care about the parent. As they get older, they are often able to rid themselves of the caring they feel, because they have learned that: To be loved one needs to love first. (Now, I am sure some believers will tell me that God loves us first and regardless of what we do, but I am not a theologian and can only speak about people and dogs.)
We need to help these kids know that hate is not the opposite of love; we don’t want to teach them to hate. We need to show them how to be compassionate to those who would do something as terrible as abuse a child and we must prevent the parent from ever hurting kids again.
But, I digress. Everyone should have a dog. Sunday’s post will explain why!