I though you might like to see a photo of my grand-kids. Let me say a few things about them. The oldest two boys turned 19 just after the picture was taken. Marc has finished his first year at Niagara University where he is studying Hospitality. Funny how kids study what they are already good at. He is working at a resort in Virginia this summer. Patrick will be a sophomore at Vanderbilt. He is a Chem/ pre-med major and was kind enough to set up my face book, fan-page for me. He is working in a research lab at Vandy this summer. The next two boys are highschool seniors. Eric, like hs older brother Patrick, is an Eagle Scout. Harry is currently at West Point at a summer Junior ROTC camp. Two more, Emily and Zac, will be Juniors this fall, Luke is the lone Sophomore, and Nicole and Olivia and Claire will be high school Freshman. Maria and Bennett will start 7th grade. Matt starts 6th grade and Carter (not on the picture) will be in third grade. That’s the crew; they are loads of fun!! If there is a lesson here, it’s have your grand kids close together (in time and if possible in space); it will be more work, but it’s also a heck of a lot of fun.