ADHD, Character, discipline, Family, Fathers, Military, Parenting, Pediatricians Parenting Matters, or Does It? (Part one) Author Par Donahue Date October 5, 2017 Last week I had the honor and privilege of speaking to the Irish and...
ADHD, Alarm clocks, Drugs, Exercise, Parenting Sleep as medicine Author Par Donahue Date April 2, 2016 Sometimes we forget that Nature has as many “cures” as doctors, maybe more. ...
ADHD Clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be fun, or is it the other way around? Author Par Donahue Date July 21, 2014 How many times have I come home from work and asked Mary if she...
ADHD Does your child have ADHD? Do you? How about your dad, mother, or uncles and aunts? Maybe we all have it? Author Par Donahue Date April 3, 2013 I am alarmed but not surprised that the CDC reported a 41% increase in...
ADHD, American Academy of Pediatrics., Day-care Is kindergarten (pre-school) for 4year olds a good or bad idea? Author Par Donahue Date February 20, 2013 I do not intend to make a political statement, so please bear with...
ADHD Caffeine and Sleep Author Par Donahue Date November 17, 2012 Most pediatricians tell parents, or should, that kids age 6-10 should get 10-11 hours...
ADHD Wildebeests and ADHD Author Par Donahue Date April 11, 2012 I hope you all had wonderful, blessed Easters and are now ready to go...
ADHD Sleep as Medicine! Author Par Donahue Date November 26, 2011 Sometimes I think that we forget that Nature has as many “cures” as doctors,...