The young men and women who join the military and volunteer to put their lives on the line for us and for freedom throughout the world, continue to amaze me!
Recently I saw a handsome lad of 18 with an amazing story. This man and some of his minor siblings had been in foster care for the past four years because neither of their parents were willing to care for them. Unfortunately, not a rare problem.
As you know kids age out of the foster care program at 18. Yes, they had great foster parents, but as you know kids age out of foster care at 18. Thanks to country singer Jimmy Wayne, there is now program in Tennessee, to help these kids adjust to life on the outside, get a job, go to college or move on with living. But, he lived in another state,and was on his own.
Interestingly, he had “Ephesians 4:31-32“, tattooed on his right arm. I asked what the Verses were and without a seconds delay, spoke out: “All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgive you in Christ.”
He went on to tell me that when he was in the foster home he rolled his truck and was taken to the Emergency Room. He asked the attendants to call his dad. Dad said he would be right there. “He borrowed $60 from his friend and $60 from one of my friends and never showed up. Then I found out he never paid them back. I was upset until I went to see him and forgave him. Forgiveness helps the forgiver more than the forgiven.”
I don’t know who taught him about the Bible or if he had ever read more than those two verses. In any event he picked a couple of great verses.
Ephesians 4:25-32 is Head Lined, “Rules for the New Life.” Here Paul says to put “…away falsehoods, speak the truth….Do not let the sun set on your anger….The thief must no longer steal..but work with his hands…and share with one in need….No foul language should come out of your mouth….” Then comes Verse 31 and 32 quoted above.
How would the world change if we all followed those few lines written thousands of years ago? I contend that things would change in a dramatic fashion. I also think these “Rules for the New Life” are not religious rules, but simple civil, good manners which all successful cultures have followed for years.
It is said that a store owner once gave Abraham Lincoln a penny too much change. Upon discovering the error Lincoln walked back to the store to give the man his due. How many of us would do that? How many of us would laugh at someone who follows Lincoln’s example? Lincoln was an honest boy, youth, and man long before he was a great president!
If we are to change the world for the better we need to raise honest, compassionate, hardworking, boys and girls. To do this we need to be the people we want them to become.
Sorry for getting a little preachy, but the short scripture passage above lends itself to thinking about how we rule our lives. Thank you my new, soon-to-be soldier, for your inspiration.
I was telling my reading group about him, one of my friends asked if I ever saw any just plain kids with two married parents who lived together and showed the kids how to live and love. Of course I do, but it seems like those who are impoverished, abused, or running away from a horrible life are more sincere, far more interesting, and teach me much more.
Read Jimmy Wayne’s incredible life story in his best selling book: “Walk to Beautiful”. Guarantee you’ll love it! Check out his home page: